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pcbi.1009077.s004.pdf (1.14 MB)

Timing of selective cell sorting influences hindbrain patterning.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-23, 20:20 authored by Yuchi Qiu, Lianna Fung, Thomas F. Schilling, Qing Nie

(A) Initial cell distributions at 11 hpf. (B-D) Time series of cell distributions with selective cell sorting during three different one-hour periods while maintaining gene regulation throughout the simulations: (B) 11–12 hpf, (C) 12–13 hpf and (D) 13–14 hpf. All three simulations start with the same initial cell distribution and gene expression pattern (11 hpf) generated by gene expression models. Selectivity is removed by setting the similarity function as a constant such that cells sort randomly. hoxb1a expression (red), krox20 expression (blue). Dislocated cells (DCs) are highlighted by yellow edges. (E) Sharpness indices (SIs) and numbers of DCs (versus time. (F) Rhombomere lengths, (G) SIs and (H) DCs. 100 independent stochastic simulations for each type of convergence were computed under the same parameters. Error bars represent the standard deviation.

