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Fig A. Odor response sizes in the fly MB and mouse PCx cells increases with reliability.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-10-31, 20:01 authored by Shyam Srinivasan, Simon Daste, Mehrab N. Modi, Glenn C. Turner, Alexander Fleischmann, Saket Navlakha

Fig B. Responses in Mouse PCx cells are more variable compared to flies. Fig C. Reliable cells preserve odor-similarity better than unreliable cells. Fig D. Unreliable cells are more likely to respond differently between similar odors compared to reliable cells. Fig E. The probability of overlap cell increases from similar to dissimilar odors. Fig F. Unreliable cells are a composition of cells with different levels of reliabilities. Fig G. Noise in the winner-take-all mechanism produces a stochastic code. Fig H. Sparse coding does not improve discrimination ability for similar odors. Fig I. The effect of the significance levels on discrimination analysis. Fig J. The effect of the significance levels on discrimination analysis. Fig K. Fly circuit model parameter explorations. Table A. Possible contributions by cell x towards discrimination. Table B. The top 40 parameter combinations (out of 44,217) of the single synapse model that produced results most similar to the ones observed in Fig 1C and 1D. Table C. Results of the performance of 3 linear classifiers/decoders on the fly and mouse datasets. Table D. The response characteristics (Fig 1) for all the flies that were examined. Table E. The response characteristics (Fig 1) for all the mice that were examined.

