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IL-1β-/- mice co-housed with WT mice are resistant to Salmonella infection.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:41 authored by Mor Zigdon, Jasmin Sawaed, Lilach Zelik, Dana Binyamin, Shira Ben-Simon, Nofar Asulin, Rachel Levin, Sonia Modilevsky, Maria Naama, Shahar Telpaz, Elad Rubin, Aya Awad, Wisal Sawaed, Sarina Harshuk-Shabso, Meital Nuriel-Ohayon, Mathumathi Krishnamohan, Michal Werbner, Omry Koren, Sebastian E. Winter, Ron N. Apte, Elena Voronov, Shai Bel

(AD) Salmonella C.F.U. 4 days post-infection in cecal content (A), M.L.N. (B), liver (C), and spleen (D) of co-housed mice infected with 107 C.F.U. Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (SL1334) 24 h after pretreatment with 20 mg streptomycin. (E) Survival percentage of mice infected orally with Salmonella. (A–D) Each dot represents a mouse. These data are representative of 1 experiment. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ****P < 0.0001. (A–D) Mann–Whitney test. (E) Mantel–Cox test. C.F.U., colony-forming units; Sep, separately housed; Co, co-housed; d.p.i., days post-infection. Numerical values are in S1 Data.

