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Influence of spatially heterogeneous lipid distributions on CFDA SE concentrations in steatosis.

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posted on 2014-03-13, 12:11 authored by Lars Ole Schwen, Markus Krauss, Christoph Niederalt, Felix Gremse, Fabian Kiessling, Andrea Schenk, Tobias Preusser, Lars Kuepfer

A comparison (b) of the CFDA SE concentrations at in the heterogeneous steatotic state (a) to the healthy state of the isolated mouse liver (see Figure 7) shows higher concentrations of the lipophilic tracer throughout the steatotic liver model. The difference (c) between the heterogeneous and homogeneous steatotic states exhibits higher CFDA SE concentrations (red spots) outside the left lateral lobe with higher lipid accumulation in the homogeneous case, see Figure 4. Notice that the color scales are different. This clearly shows that spatial resolution is indispensable for accurate modeling. For a clearer visualization of the concentration differences in the HHS volume, we omitted the vascular structures in the volume renderings (b and c).
