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Biodistribution of CAR-tropic HAd5 in GATA1-CAR mice.

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posted on 2009-01-02, 00:48 authored by Elena Seiradake, Daniel Henaff, Harald Wodrich, Olivier Billet, Matthieu Perreau, Claire Hippert, Franck Mennechet, Guy Schoehn, Hugues Lortat-Jacob, Hanna Dreja, Sandy Ibanes, Vasiliki Kalatzis, Jennifer P. Wang, Robert W. Finberg, Stephen Cusack, Eric J. Kremer

Mice were injected intravenously with an HAd5 vector expressing GFP (AdGFP) and blood and livers were recovered at the indicated times and assayed for vector genomes and/or GFP expression. A. qPCR of viral genomes in the blood at ∼15 min (0.25 hr), 6 hr, and 1 and 3 days post-injection normalized by copies of GAPDH for each mouse (four GATA1-CAR and four C57B/6 mice, the isogenic strain) (left hand panel) and the mean of each group (right hand panel). qPCR was performed twice in triplicate. B. Histological section from the liver of representative mice at day 3 (72 hr). GFP expression from AdGFP is indicated by the green cells (white arrows). The sections were stained with Hoechst to show the nuclei (in blue) and phalliodin-TRITC to show actin filaments (red, or yellow if an overlap with GFP signal) (left-hand panel). qPCR analysis of the viral genomes in the livers of four GATA1-CAR and four C57BL/6 mice at day 3 (right hand panel). qPCR was performed twice in triplicate.


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