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Age-dependent variation in resistance to N. parisii infection.

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posted on 2015-02-13, 02:42 authored by Keir M. Balla, Erik C. Andersen, Leonid Kruglyak, Emily R. Troemel

Representative images of N2 (A,C) and HW (B,D) infected with N. parisii as L1s (A,B) or L2s (C,D) and stained 30 hpi by FISH with an N. parisii-specific rRNA probe (red). (E) Pathogen load in N2 and HW 30 hpi across the four larval stages. Infection is quantified with a COPAS Biosort by measuring the mean red N. parisii FISH signal in individual animals normalized to nematode size (assessed by time-of-flight, or TOF). Graph shows mean values across three independent experiments with error bars as SD. For each experiment, the mean was determined from two biological replicates, each containing 1500 animals.
