Public Library of Science
ppat.1006402.g004.tif (1.09 MB)

Viability of cells isolated from ectocervical tissue explants.

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posted on 2017-05-19, 17:39 authored by Andrea Introini, Stéphanie Boström, Frideborg Bradley, Anna Gibbs, Axel Glaessgen, Annelie Tjernlund, Kristina Broliden

Cells were isolated from ectocervical explants after incubation with culture medium (CM, white) or seminal plasma (SP, red) 50% for 12 h, followed by an additional 12 h-incubation with medium only. As a positive control, camptothecin 100 μM (grey) was used to induce apoptosis upon explant treatment for 24 h. Cells were stained with annexin V (AV) and an amine-reactive dye (Live/dead, L/d) and analyzed by flow cytometry. A) Representative dot plots of the gating strategy. Expression analysis of the two selected cell death markers was conducted on events phenotyped as immune (CD45+) and non-immune (CD45-) cells. Histograms depict the expression level of the cell death markers on singlets, which comprise both CD45+ and CD45- cells, isolated from donor-matched explants of one representative experiment. B) Dot plots of the fraction of cells expressing the two analyzed cell death markers among CD45+ (upper panel) and CD45- (lower panel) cells isolated from donor-matched explants of one representative experiment. C) Fraction of CD45+ (upper chart) and CD45- (lower chart) cells expressing different combinations of the two analyzed cell death markers. Bars represent mean with s.e.m (n = 6). D) N-fold change in the fraction of CD45+ (upper chart) and CD45- (lower chart) cells expressing different combinations of the two analyzed cell death markers from explants treated with SP (red) and camptothecin (grey) compared to untreated donor-matched explants (CM). Bars indicate median values. Asterisks denote a statistically significant difference with CM (Wilcoxon signed rank test, p<0.05).
