Public Library of Science
ppat.1006827.g006.tif (1.89 MB)

The myosin I-actin cytoskeleton is not associated with aurofusarin biosynthesis.

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posted on 2018-01-22, 18:36 authored by Guangfei Tang, Yun Chen, Jin-Rong Xu, H. Corby Kistler, Zhonghua Ma

(A) Comparisons of red pigment (aurofusarin) biosynthesis among the wild type and various mutants constructed in this study. Images were taken after each strain was grown on PDA or in liquid PDB. The myosin I inhibitor phenamacril and the actin polymerization inhibitor latrunculin A did not inhibit aurofusarin biosynthesis. (B) Co-localization analysis for Tri1-GFP or the peroxisome indicator FgPex3-GFP with the aurofusarin biosynthetic enzyme AurJ-RFP. A strain dual-labeled with either AurJ-RFP and Tri1-GFP or AurJ-RFP and FgPex3-GFP was grown in TBI for 48 h before observation. Bar = 10 μm. (C) Phenamacril and latrunculin A did not affect cellular localization of AurJ-RFP.
