Public Library of Science
ppat.1007189.g004.tif (283.79 kB)

The mGluR2 ectodomain soluble protein (mGluR2-GST) neutralizes the infectivity of RABV in a dose-dependent manner.

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posted on 2018-07-20, 17:37 authored by Jinliang Wang, Zilong Wang, Renqiang Liu, Lei Shuai, Xinxin Wang, Jie Luo, Chong Wang, Weiye Chen, Xijun Wang, Jinying Ge, Xijun He, Zhiyuan Wen, Zhigao Bu

mGluR2-GST neutralized ERA-eGFP infection of HEK293 cells (A), SK cells (B), N2a cells (C), and mPN cells (D), and neutralized VSV∆G-ERAG-eGFP infection of HEK293 cells (E) but failed to neutralize VSV-eGFP infection of HEK293 cells (F). A one-way ANOVA was used for the statistical analysis. *, p<0.05. **, p<0.01. ***, p<0.001.
