Public Library of Science
ppat.1007198.g001.tif (375.26 kB)

The life cycle of H. glycines.

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posted on 2018-08-16, 17:57 authored by Ziduan Han, Sita Thapa, Ursula Reuter-Carlson, Hannah Reed, Michael Gates, Kris N. Lambert, Nathan E. Schroeder

H. glycines hatch as mobile second-stage juveniles (J2s), migrate to the host roots, infect and initiate feeding. Following the initiation of feeding, the body diameter increases and the nematodes become sedentary. J3s remain sedentary and continue feeding. During late J3, we are able to distinguish sexes. Following the molt to J4, males begin remodeling into a vermiform shape while females continue to feed and grow in width. Following the final molt, adult males are fully mobile and seek out females to inseminate. Adult females remain immobile and continue to feed. Each life stage is not represented to scale.
