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ppat.1006464.g004.tif (236.79 kB)

Tet-regulated silencing of urease expression during active infection.

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posted on 2017-06-23, 17:49 authored by Aleksandra W. Debowski, Senta M. Walton, Eng-Guan Chua, Alfred Chin-Yen Tay, Tingting Liao, Binit Lamichhane, Robyn Himbeck, Keith A. Stubbs, Barry J. Marshall, Alma Fulurija, Mohammed Benghezal

Urease expression in conditional urease mutant strains OND3241 was induced with 50 ng/ml ATc for 48 h prior to oral challenge. (A) Mice were orally challenged with pre-induced OND3241 and supplemented with 5 mg/l ATc for two weeks. ATc supplement was maintained (+, ■) or withdrawn (+/-, □) and animals were sacrificed 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 days later. Bars represent median bacterial load per group (n = 5) and points plotted represent colonization density for each individual animal. Detection limit was < 50 CFU per stomach (dotted horizontal line). Gastric specimens without H. pylori re-isolation are shown as null. (B) Mice challenged with wild-type X47 (WT, ●) or pre-induced OND3241 were supplemented with 5 mg/l ATc for two weeks. After this two week period, ATc supplement was maintained (+, ■) or withdrawn (+/-, □) and animals were sacrificed 3, 5 and 42 days later. Bars represent median bacterial load per group (n = 10) and points plotted represent colonization density for each individual animal. Detection limit was < 50 CFU per stomach (dotted horizontal line). Gastric specimens without H. pylori re-isolation are shown as null. Statistical analysis using the unpaired two-sided Mann-Whitney test are indicated above the compared groups (* indicates that the geometric value of the (+/-, □) group is significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from the (+, ■) group of the same time point) and unpaired two-sided Fisher’s exact test analysis of the infection rate by the conditional mutant is presented below the compared groups (* p< 0.05; *** p < 0.001). For the day 42 time point in panel B, as all the analysed colonies isolated from the (+/-, □) group were found to be escape mutants, none of the animals were considered infected with the conditional mutant resulting in a 0/10 infection rate.
