Public Library of Science
pcbi.1006640.g008.tif (3.1 MB)

Spatial variation in model predicted mitochondrial reaction rates and O2 profiles for cross section 1.

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posted on 2018-12-05, 19:09 authored by Shouryadipta Ghosh, Kenneth Tran, Lea M. D. Delbridge, Anthony J. R. Hickey, Eric Hanssen, Edmund J. Crampin, Vijay Rajagopal

All the figures were generated by using same colour spectrum range. (A): Steady state O2 profiles showing steep O2 gradients in the vicinity of the sarcolemma. In the hypoxic case, it also leads to the formation of an anoxic core with negligible O2 level (B): The reduction of oxygen at complex IV is inhibited in hypoxia, while it is uniform across the section in normoxia. (C): Hypoxia leads to a steep gradient in the model predictions for mitochondrial membrane potential (D): Under normoxia Complex V (F1-F0 ATP synthase) reaction rate is nearly uniform across the cell with slight variation near the larger mitochondrial clusters. However, ATP synthesis at Complex V is inhibited in the anoxic core under hypoxia.
