Public Library of Science
pbio.3000733.g001.tif (1.61 MB)

Spatial topography of global signal correlation.

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posted on 2020-07-10, 17:39 authored by Jianfeng Zhang, Zirui Huang, Shankar Tumati, Georg Northoff

(A) An illustration of GSCORR as a correlation between global signal and time series in each region of gray matter. (B) Spatial patterns of GSCORR in 2 days’ resting state and seven tasks. Top panel yielded the averaged spatial patterns for the resting states and task states, respectively. Bottom panel yielded the spatial pattern in each condition. (C) The spatial similarity was performed by using ICC, at the group level, based on a parcellation with 1,000 ROIs. Top panel demonstrated the ICC matrix between 2 days’ resting states and seven tasks. Bottom bar chart demonstrated the ICC ± 95% CI for rest-rest, rest-task, and task-task respectively. ***p < 0.001. Data are available at Dryad: GSCORR, global signal correlation; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; ROI, region of interest; WM, working memory.
