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pcbi.1009077.g004.tif (1.2 MB)

Simulations of full models combining gene regulation and cell sorting with different convergence rates.

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posted on 2021-06-23, 20:20 authored by Yuchi Qiu, Lianna Fung, Thomas F. Schilling, Qing Nie

(A) Three convergence rates during the 11–14 hpf period are considered in the model, rapid (from experimental measurements, Fig 2B), medium and slow. All start and terminate with the same L-R width. The curve of medium convergence is depicted as a linear function. The curve of slow initial convergence is symmetric to the curve of rapid initial convergence with respect to the curve of linear function. (B-E) Time series of cell distributions with different convergence rates from 11–14 hpf. hoxb1a (red) and krox20 (blue) expression. Dislocated cells (DCs) are highlighted by yellow edges. (B) Three simulations start with the same initial cell distribution (11 hpf) generated by the gene expression model (see Methods). Cell distributions with (C) rapid, (D) medium and (E) slow initial convergence rates from 12–14 hpf. (F) The boundary sharpness index (SI) for four boundaries (SI(r2/r3), SI(r3/r4), SI(r4/r5) and SI(r5/r6)) and DC number versus time. (G-I) Histograms depicting three convergence rates analyzed for (G) rhombomere lengths of r3-5, (H) SI and (I) DC number. Each represents 100 independent stochastic simulations for each convergence rate based on the same parameters. Error bars represent standard deviation.
