Public Library of Science
pcbi.1006059.g007.tif (465.51 kB)

Plot showing comparisons between population genetics models [18] and population dynamics models in two density dependence scenarios (β = 1.1 and β = 2.5).

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posted on 2018-03-23, 17:23 authored by Matthew P. Edgington, Luke S. Alphey

The top two threshold lines are for lasting introgression of transgenes in the UD system with strongly and weakly suppressed lethals. The bottom two threshold lines are for increases in transgene frequency of the KR system with strongly and weakly suppressed lethals. The key shows the different scenarios plotted, however these are essentially super-imposed. Outcomes for weakly suppressed and strongly suppressed systems are different, but within those cases neither early versus late acting lethality nor varying beta (1.1 or 2.5) makes a significant difference on the thresholds plotted.
