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ppat.1006973.g003.tif (2.32 MB)

Phenotypic, cytolytic and transcriptional differences between LN and blood CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected and -uninfected individuals.

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posted on 2018-04-13, 17:45 authored by Marcus Buggert, Son Nguyen, Laura M. McLane, Maria Steblyanko, Nadia Anikeeva, Dominic Paquin-Proulx, Perla M. Del Rio Estrada, Yuria Ablanedo-Terrazas, Kajsa Noyan, Morgan A. Reuter, Korey Demers, Johan K. Sandberg, Michael A. Eller, Hendrik Streeck, Marianne Jansson, Piotr Nowak, Anders Sönnerborg, David H. Canaday, Ali Naji, E. John Wherry, Merlin L. Robb, Steven G. Deeks, Gustavo Reyes-Teran, Yuri Sykulev, Annika C. Karlsson, Michael R. Betts

(A) Flow cytometry plots (HIV-infected CP) and scatter plots for naïve and memory subsets of LN and peripheral blood (PB) CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected and -uninfected subjects. (B) Flow cytometry plots (HIV-infected CP) showing the lack of T-bethiEomes+ CD4+ T cells in LNs. Corresponding scatter plots demonstrating the frequency of T-bethi cells of memory (non-naïve) CD4+ T cells (top) and frequency of Eomes+ cells of T-bethi CD4+ T cells (bottom) for matched LN and PB. (C) Flow plots (HIV-infected CP) showing the lack of Granzyme B+perforin+ CD4+ T cells in LNs and scatter plots with the frequency of LN and PB perforin+ cells of memory CD4+ T cells (top). Frequencies of Granzyme B+ cells of perforin+ CD4+ T cells (bottom) for matched LN and PB. (D) Flow plots (HIV-infected CP) and scatter plots showing the distribution of CD27+ cells within the Granzyme B+ CD4+ T cell compartment for matched LN and PB. (E) The distribution of different populations in the tSNE space is based on 30.000 live CD4+ T cells that were merged from LN and PB from a HIV-infected CP with detectable levels of cytolytic cells in the PB and LN Tfh cells. The tSNE clustering is based on CD45RO, CD27, CCR7, T-bet, Eomes, Granzyme B, perforin, CXCR5 and PD-1 expression on gated bulk CD4+ T cells. The naïve cluster (green) is based on high CCR7 and low CD45RO intensity; the Tfh cluster (red) on high intensity of PD-1 and CXCR5; and the effector cluster (orange) on high T-bet and perforin expression intensity. After separating out the merged LN and PB single CD4+ T cell data, a lack of Tfh cells was apparent in PB and effector CD4+ T cells in the LN (lower right tSNE plots). Median and IQR are shown for all scatter plots. Mann-Whitney tests were performed to compare differences between two unmatched groups, and Wilcoxon matched-pairs single rank tests between matched samples; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001. All data-points are derived from the North-American and Mexico cohort.
