Public Library of Science
pcbi.1009617.g005.tif (1.15 MB)

Nasal Epithelial gene weights, expression, pathways, transcriptional factors and upstream regulators associated with clinical severity in integration models.

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posted on 2021-12-28, 19:25 authored by Matthew N. McCall, Chin-Yi Chu, Lu Wang, Lauren Benoodt, Juilee Thakar, Anthony Corbett, Jeanne Holden-Wiltse, Christopher Slaunwhite, Alex Grier, Steven R. Gill, Ann R. Falsey, David J. Topham, Mary T. Caserta, Edward E. Walsh, Xing Qiu, Thomas J. Mariani

Shown are Integration model of CD4, nasal epithelial cells and microbiota (CM). Weights generated by integration models are shown in world-clouds. The size of word represents the absolute value of gene weight. A M1 word-cloud consists of genes with absolute weight greater than 0.0003. Gene expression are normalized expression levels for the 993 genes selected by univariate analysis; rows represent genes and columns represent samples. Red indicates higher expression, blue indicates low/no expression, green indicates Global RSV Severity Score (GRSS), soft orange indicates mild phenotype, lime green indicates severe phenotype, purple indicates negative weight and olive indicate positive weight. Transcriptional factors associated with severity in nasal epithelial cells were identified using a hypergeometric test. Four transcriptional factors are shown where p-values were less than 0.05. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) was used to identify canonical pathways and upstream regulators represented by genes associated with severity in nasal epithelial cells. Thirty pathways and upstream regulators are shown where Fisher’s exact test p-values were less than 0.05. Red and blue indicate predicted increased or decreased pathway activation (activation z-score), respectively.
