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ppat.1007481.g001.tif (166.45 kB)

Mutations in M117 facilitate MCMV replication in human cells.

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posted on 2018-12-10, 18:52 authored by Eléonore Ostermann, Stefan Loroch, Zhikang Qian, Albert Sickmann, Lüder Wiebusch, Wolfram Brune

(A) Schematic representation of the M117 region with the nucleotide position of each ORF in the MCMV Smith sequence (NC_004065). The positions of the h1/h2 and h3 mutations are indicated. (B) Multistep replication kinetics in human RPE-1 cells. Cells were infected with WT MCMV, the human cell-adapted MCMV/h1 and MCMV/h3 as well as the single M117 mutants MCMV-M117mut-h1 and MCMV-M117mut-h3 by using an MOI of 0.2 TCID50/cell. The experiment was done in triplicate. Viral titers were determined in the supernatant and are shown as mean ±SEM. DL, detection limit.
