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Morphological and mechanical examinations suggest a Windkessel-like elastic property of the subapical space and raise a possibility of elasticity-based nucleokinesis via a mother-to-daughter energy transfer.

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posted on 2018-04-20, 17:36 authored by Tomoyasu Shinoda, Arata Nagasaka, Yasuhiro Inoue, Ryo Higuchi, Yoshiaki Minami, Kagayaki Kato, Makoto Suzuki, Takefumi Kondo, Takumi Kawaue, Kanako Saito, Naoto Ueno, Yugo Fukazawa, Masaharu Nagayama, Takashi Miura, Taiji Adachi, Takaki Miyata

(A) A model of elasticity-based passive movement of daughter cells’ nuclei/somata (see also S1B and S1C Fig, S4 Movie). (B) En face observation of centrifugal recoiling of laser-ablated apical surface (ablation occurred at the vertex indicated by a yellow circle) EGFP-ZO1–labeled, see also S5 Movie), showing the tangential pretension/contractility of the surface. (C) Time-lapse imaging showing that the apical surface (ZO1-EGFP, white) was stable even at sites of cell division (a clone sporadically labeled with H2B-RFP, magenta) (upper panels, en face projected view; lower panels, orthogonally projected view; see also S6 Movie). (D) Graph showing that “tilting” of apices was minimal (the inner products for the normal vectors to the apices, x axis, was close to 1.0) (see also S2A Fig and S7 Movie). (E) Concave-to-convex conversion of apical surface geometry by myosin II inhibition. (F) Centripetal recoiling of the subapical space immediately after laser ablation of an M-phase cell (cyan, the center of the soma was targeted) in a cerebral wall stained with FM4-64 (displacements of the surrounding apical processes [yellow] are summarized in the right panel; see also S8 Movie). (G, H) Quantitative assessment of the change in horizontal sectional area of laser-ablated somata. M-phase cells in cerebral walls sporadically LynN-mCherry–labeled (via in utero electroporation) were ablated at the center of their somata. Graph (H) shows that shrinkage of M-phase somata, as exemplified in F, were consistently reproduced (see also S9 Movie). (I) Three-dimensionally reconstructed live image of an apical process of a slice-cultured VZ cell that dynamically extended lamellipodia-like protrusions only in the subapical space (see also S10 Movie). (J) Serial block-face SEM analysis of the in vivo subapical surface, showing three apical processes (highlighted in a section [left], 3D reconstructed [right]) with lamellipodia-like structures filling the apicalmost (about 5 μm) zone (see also S2J Fig and S12 Movie). Scale, 2 μm in B and J; 5 μm in I; 10 μm in C, F, and G; and 100 μm in E. Underlying data can be found in S1 Data. SEM, scanning electron microscopy; VZ, ventricular zone.
