Public Library of Science
pbio.3002486.s006.tiff (286.09 kB)

Loss of IL-1β does not affect transcript levels of metabolism genes in naïve mice.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:41 authored by Mor Zigdon, Jasmin Sawaed, Lilach Zelik, Dana Binyamin, Shira Ben-Simon, Nofar Asulin, Rachel Levin, Sonia Modilevsky, Maria Naama, Shahar Telpaz, Elad Rubin, Aya Awad, Wisal Sawaed, Sarina Harshuk-Shabso, Meital Nuriel-Ohayon, Mathumathi Krishnamohan, Michal Werbner, Omry Koren, Sebastian E. Winter, Ron N. Apte, Elena Voronov, Shai Bel

qPCR analysis of (A and B) transcripts involved in fatty acid metabolism and (C–E) transcripts involved in glycolysis in colons of naïve mice. Expression was normalized to 18S. These data are representative of 1 experiment. ns, not statistically significant; RQ, relative quantity. Student’s t test. Numerical values are in S1 Data.

