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ppat.1006993.g003.tif (910.64 kB)

Inflationary TEM P14 cells have a longer half-life than effector P14 CD8 T cells.

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posted on 2018-04-13, 17:46 authored by Nicolas S. Baumann, Nicole Torti, Suzanne P. M. Welten, Isabel Barnstorf, Mariana Borsa, Katharina Pallmer, Jennifer D. Oduro, Luka Cicin-Sain, Koichi Ikuta, Burkhard Ludewig, Annette Oxenius

(A) Naïve P14 CD8 T cells were adoptively transferred into naïve C57BL/6 mice followed by i. v. infection with MCMV-M45-gp33 for acute P14 TEFF or MCMV-ie2-gp33 for latent P14 TEM. Effector P14 T cells (7 dpi) and TEM P14 cells (> 60 dpi) were sorted from the lungs and transferred into naïve recipients. (B) Left graph: Effector P14; Right graph: TEM P14. Percentage recovered P14 cells from the lungs normalized to <1 week time point is shown as mean + SEM of n = 10 mice pooled from two independent experiments. (C) Representative histograms of TEFF and TEM P14 T cell population from the lung tissues are shown. Mean fluorescence intensities of Bcl-2 of P14 cells (7 dpi) and P14 (> 60 dpi) are shown as mean + SEM of n = 4–5 mice representative from two independent experiments. (A, B); **p<0.01. Statistical analyses were performed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test.
