In the absence of eIF4E1, TuMV infection induces the production of a truncated version of eIFiso4G1.
(a-d) Graphic representations of the coverage of eIFiso4G1 protein sequence obtained by MS-based proteomic analyses. The upper panel proposes a schematic representation of eIF4G1 sequence with the positions of the eIFiso4E-binding, HEAT1/MIF4G and HEAT2/MA3 domains. Below, each horizontal black bar corresponds to an identified peptide spectral count matching eIFiso4G1 sequence and is placed according to the position of the identified peptide in the protein sequence. The total number of peptides and spectral counts identified in each experimental condition are given. n = 3 biological replicates. (e-f) Western blot analyses of eIFiso4G1 in total protein extracts (e) or m7GTP pull down protein extracts (f) 14 dpi. Red arrowheads indicate the position of the full-length, 86 kDa, eIFiso4G1 protein. Dashed red arrowheads indicate the position of a 50 kDa protein product recognized by anti-eIFiso4G antibodies. Equal loading was checked by western blot using anti-actin antibodies.