Public Library of Science
ppat.1008216.g009.tif (824.48 kB)

Hypothetical scenarios for the origin and evolution of MaRNAV-1 and MaRNAV-2 and relatives among parasites belonging to the Alveolates and Euglenozoa eukaryotic groups.

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posted on 2019-12-30, 18:41 authored by Justine Charon, Matthew J. Grigg, John-Sebastian Eden, Kim A. Piera, Hafsa Rana, Timothy William, Karrie Rose, Miles P. Davenport, Nicholas M. Anstey, Edward C. Holmes

(A) Ancient virus-host co-divergence between the Euglenozoa and Alveolates that may have occurred approximately two billion years ago. (B) Horizontal virus transfer between the Alveolates and Euglenozoa parasites that co-infected the same secondary (likely invertebrate) host.
