Public Library of Science
pbio.2006810.g001.tif (88.36 kB)

Geometric definition of terms and concepts.

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posted on 2018-12-11, 18:44 authored by Karl Grieshop, Göran Arnqvist

For a given inheritance class Q (e.g., additivity, dominance, epistasis, etc.; see below), the BLUPs for each strain’s male- (qM) and female-specific (qF) variance components from models that were fit separately to male and female data sets represent axes of variation that can be plotted in a bivariate relationship (solid lines). These coordinate systems can be rotated 45° (see Materials and methods) to derive the SA (qSA) and SC (qSC) dimensions (dashed lines) for each inheritance class. BLUP, best linear unbiased prediction; SA, sexually antagonistic; SC, sexually concordant.
