Public Library of Science
ppat.1008376.g005.tif (125.68 kB)

Generalized Linear Model (GLM) results showing the odds ratios of key microbial components in association with progression to CIN2+.

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posted on 2020-03-26, 17:25 authored by Mykhaylo Usyk, Christine P. Zolnik, Philip E. Castle, Carolina Porras, Rolando Herrero, Ana Gradissimo, Paula Gonzalez, Mahboobeh Safaeian, Mark Schiffman, Robert D. Burk

The forest plot shows the results of variables evaluated in the univariate analysis that were then entered into a GLM. The model shows ORs (small circle) and 95% confidence interval (line extending on either side of the circle) of the microbial features associated with clearance/progression at either Visit 1 (V1) and/or Visit 2 (V2). The main variables included V1 Gardnerella, V1 Lactobacillus, V1 Fungal Observed OTUs and V1 Cell Motility and V2 Shannon diversity. The model was adjusted for age, bacterial CSTs, smoking and HPV16 infection status. 95% CIs that did not cross the Odds Ratio of 1.0 (dotted vertical line) are considered statistically significant.
