Public Library of Science
ppat.1010004.s004.tif (348.23 kB)

Gating strategy for the analysis of Vβ chain in memory and naïve CD4+ T cells in the liver.

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posted on 2021-10-25, 17:32 authored by Newton G. Peres, Nancy Wang, Paul Whitney, Sven Engel, Meghanashree M. Shreenivas, Ian Comerford, Dianna M. Hocking, Anna B. Erazo, Irmgard Förster, Andreas Kupz, Thomas Gebhardt, Shaun R. McColl, Stephen J. McSorley, Sammy Bedoui, Richard A. Strugnell

(A) B6 mice were immunised with 200CFU TAS2010 i.v. 12 weeks later, the mice were killed, the livers perfused with PBS and the cells collected. Representative FACS plots are also provided for gating on CXCR6+CD44hi and CD62L+CD44lo subsets for liver CD4+ T cells.

