Public Library of Science
ppat.1007010.g004.tif (400.9 kB)

Env adaptations partly inhibit the capacity of packaged A3G to deaminate viral cDNA.

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posted on 2018-04-20, 17:36 authored by Terumasa Ikeda, Menelaos Symeonides, John S. Albin, Ming Li, Markus Thali, Reuben S. Harris

(A) Immunoblots of viral particles of the indicated genotypes produced in SupT11-A3G cells and fractionated by ultracentrifugation through a sucrose gradient in the presence or absence of detergent. A3G co-sediments with viral core components under all conditions except the Vif-proficient scenario where it is efficiently degraded. (B) Representative images of pol 3D-PCR products using viral cDNAs subjected to ERT. The indicated viruses were originally produced in SupT11 cells expressing A3G. (C) G-to-A mutation loads of high-fidelity, high temperature pol gene amplicons from viruses originally produced in SupT11-A3G and subjected to ERT (mean +/- SD of independent 4 experiments with a minimum of 10 sequences or 5,640 bp analyzed per condition). Statistical comparisons were done using a one-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD test (p-values above each panel).
