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pcbi.1008031.g002.tif (467.92 kB)

Effect of using age-specific susceptibility/symptomatic probability and underlying population pyramids.

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posted on 2020-07-02, 17:49 authored by Joe Hilton, Matt J. Keeling

(a) Basic reproductive ratio estimates based on age-specific susceptibility or symptomatic probability estimated from China CDC Weekly data versus estimates without age-dependent susceptibility or symptomatic probability. (b) Population pyramids for Niger, China and Italy—China being our reference case (both R0 values equal to 2.4), Niger having the highest R0 in the null model, and Italy having the second highest R0 in the age-specific susceptibility model. The highest R0 attained in the age-specific susceptibility/symptomatic probability model is in Monaco, but since Monaco’s small population is likely to make it an outlier we focus on Italy as an extreme case in the main cluster of ratios. Germany is also labelled in Figure (a); although it has a comparatively small R0 under both sets of assumptions, the proportional change from 1.22 in the null model to 1.99 based on the China CDC data is almost as dramatic as that seen for Italy (2.44 to 4.18). Data from [30].
