Public Library of Science
ppat.1007323.g002.tif (196.2 kB)

Effect of prion infection on weight gain over the incubation period of disease.

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posted on 2018-10-18, 18:08 authored by Thomas E. Eckland, Ronald A. Shikiya, Jason C. Bartz

Hamsters were inoculated with either uninfected brain homogenate (blue triangles), DY-infected brain homogenate (orange diamonds), 139H-infected brain homogenate (gray circles) or an equal mixture of 139H and DY-infected brain homogenate (yellow squares) and their weights were recorded weekly. Solid grey triangle and open yellow triangle indicates when the weight of 139H-infected or 139H/DY co-infected hamsters, respectively, significantly (p<0.05) differed from mock-infected animals.
