Public Library of Science
ppat.1007461.g003.tif (188.7 kB)

Distribution of operon types in the genome and frequency of transcriptional features within non-traditional operons identified using StringTie.

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posted on 2018-12-05, 19:08 authored by Indu Warrier, Nikhil Ram-Mohan, Zeyu Zhu, Ariana Hazery, Haley Echlin, Jason Rosch, Michelle M. Meyer, Tim van Opijnen

(A) The pie chart describes the distribution of the types of operons present in T4 annotated using only high confidence TSSs. A total of 388 multigene and 343 single gene operons were identified, which can be divided up in 47% simple operons (single gene transcriptional units with a single TSS and TTS; gray), 26% complex operons (multi-gene operons with multiple TSSs and TTSs; orange), 10% traditional operons (multi-gene operon with a single TSS and TTS; green), 1% multiTSS operons (blue), and 16% multiTTS operons (red). (B) The clustered histogram describes the distribution of genes and transcriptional features in non-traditional operons, where gray represents the numbers of genes in the multigene operons, green represents the number of TSSs within operons, red represents the number of TTSs within operons. Two-gene operons are found most frequently in the non-traditional operons with one internal TSS and TTS.
