Correct choice rate.
(A) Learning curves in adolescents (left) and adults (right). The bold lines within the shaded areas represent the actual behavioural data (bold lines represent mean correct choice rate; shaded areas represent s.e.m). The behavioural data are superimposed with the ex-post model-simulated learning curves, estimated using parameters from each age group’s best fitting model (Model 1 for adolescents; Model 3 for adults). The dots represent the model-simulated mean correct choice probabilities. (B) Bars represent the correct choice rate improvement (difference in correct choice rate between last and first trials) and the final correct choice rate (last trial) in Reward (leftmost panel) and Punishment (rightmost panel) contexts. Chance level (i.e. no learning) is 0.0 for correct choice rate improvement, and 0.5 for final correct choice rate. Error bars represent s.e.m. *P<0.05: independent samples t-test (2-sided).