Public Library of Science
ppat.1006940.g002.tif (464.15 kB)

Characterization of sin locus (sinRR’) mutant in C. difficile.

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posted on 2018-03-12, 17:51 authored by Brintha Parasumanna Girinathan, Junjun Ou, Bruno Dupuy, Revathi Govind

(A) Functional categorization of genes affected by sin locus mutation in R20291 strains based on RNA seq data. (B) Western blot analysis with SinR and SinR’ specific antibodies demonstrating the absence of both SinR and SinR’ in the sinRR’ mutants and their presence after the complementation. GDH detection using anti-GDH antibodies was used as loading control. (C) Growth curve of the parent (R20291), sinRR’ mutant and the sinRR’ mutant complemented strains in TY medium. The data shown are means ± standard errors of three replicates.
