Public Library of Science
ppat.1006862.g003.tif (492.77 kB)

CTB binds to LeX linked to proteins but not ceramide.

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posted on 2018-02-12, 18:46 authored by Jakob Cervin, Amberlyn M. Wands, Anna Casselbrant, Han Wu, Soumya Krishnamurthy, Aleksander Cvjetkovic, Johanna Estelius, Benjamin Dedic, Anirudh Sethi, Kerri-Lee Wallom, Rebecca Riise, Malin Bäckström, Ville Wallenius, Frances M. Platt, Michael Lebens, Susann Teneberg, Lars Fändriks, Jennifer J. Kohler, Ulf Yrlid

(A) GM1- or LeX-os (oligosaccharide) linked to ceramide and immobilized to wells were detected with 125I labeled CTB. Relative binding is displayed as counts per minute (CPM). (B-C) ELISA with titrated amounts of os-linked to HSA, immobilized to wells and detected with (B) CTB-HRP and (C) G33D-HRP. Graph shows absorbance values from three independent experiments. (D) ELISA with os-linked to HSA, immobilized in wells and then blocked with indicated concentrations of anti-LeX antibody HI98 or isotype control (IgM), and detected with CTB-HRP. Graph shows absorbance values from one representative out of two independent experiments. (E) ELISA with os-linked to HSA, immobilized in wells and detected with CTB-HRP in the presence of increasing blocking concentrations of tri-LeX-os and GM1-os. Graphs show absorbance values from one representative out of two independent experiments.
