Public Library of Science
ppat.1006614.g003.tif (905.18 kB)

CD4bs-specific antibody binding profiles to the N-glycan deleted trimers.

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posted on 2017-09-13, 17:48 authored by Viktoriya Dubrovskaya, Javier Guenaga, Natalia de Val, Richard Wilson, Yu Feng, Arlette Movsesyan, Gunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Andrew B. Ward, Richard T. Wyatt

(a) Schematic presentation of N-glycan composition around the trimer CD4bs in the selected N-glycan-deleted trimers. Filled blue triangle—the N-glycan is present; empty blue triangles—the N-glycan is genetically deleted. (b) Comparison of the +N332 PT (dark blue) with +N332 N301Q (yellow), +N332 N276Q/N360Q/N463 (red) and +N332 N276Q/N360Q/N463/N301Q (light blue) trimers. Recognition of His-captured trimers by the trimer-elicited rabbit serum were analyzed in duplicate at each antibody dilution. The error bars indicate variance of the mean binding values (OD450 nm) and a representative experiment of three independent repeats is shown.
