Public Library of Science
ppat.1007005.g002.tif (4.42 MB)

CCV actin patches facilitate vesicle fusion via docking and clustering of late endocytic vesicles to the CCV membrane.

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posted on 2018-04-18, 17:51 authored by Heather E. Miller, Charles L. Larson, Robert A. Heinzen

(A) LAMP1+ vesicles fuse with the CCV at actin patches. Live cell images of a Vero cell at 3 dpi expressing lysosome-GFP (LAMP1) and actin-RFP. (B) Latrunculin A (LatA) treatment redistributes LAMP1+ clusters at actin patches around the CCV to the juxta-nuclear region (white arrows). Live cell images of a Vero cell at 3 dpi expressing lysosome-GFP (LAMP1) and actin-RFP. (C and D) LatA treatment redistributes VAMP7+ clusters at actin patches to the juxta-nuclear region (white arrows). Vero cells at 3 dpi were treated with LatA for 10 min prior to fixation and immunostaining for F-actin, VAMP7, and NMII. Histogram depicts the mean intensity ± SD of ≥ 60 cells for at least 3 independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined using Student’s t-test (****P <0.0001). NMII, C. burnetii Nine Mile phase II strain. Scale bar, 2.5 μm.
