Public Library of Science
ppat.1007189.g003.tif (196.94 kB)

Antibodies to mGluR2 block RABV infection of cells in a dose-dependent manner.

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posted on 2018-07-20, 17:37 authored by Jinliang Wang, Zilong Wang, Renqiang Liu, Lei Shuai, Xinxin Wang, Jie Luo, Chong Wang, Weiye Chen, Xijun Wang, Jinying Ge, Xijun He, Zhiyuan Wen, Zhigao Bu

The monoclonal antibody (mAb) or polyclonal antibody (pAb) against mGluR2 blocked ERA-eGFP infection of HEK293 cells (A), SK cells (B), N2a cells (C), and mPN cells (D). The mAb against mGluR2 also blocked VSV∆G-ERAG-eGFP infection (E) but failed to block VSV-eGFP infection (F) of HEK293 cells. The mAb or pAb against mGluR2 decreased the replication of ERA-eGFP in HEK293 cells (G) and mPN cells (H); virus titers in the cell culture supernatant were determined as FFU in BSR/T7-5 cells. The isotypes IgG2a and IgG at the highest concentration were used as controls for the mAb and pAb, respectively. A one-way ANOVA was used for the statistical analysis. *, p<0.05. **, p<0.01. ***, p<0.001.
