Public Library of Science
ppat.1007196.g004.tif (2.34 MB)

A single particle of HSV-2 can induce profound general translational suppression.

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posted on 2018-07-20, 17:37 authored by Catherine Su Hui Teo, Peter O’Hare

(A) Cells were pulse-labeled for 30 min at 1 hr after mock-infection or infection with HSV-2[186] at MOIs of 0.1 or 0.01 as indicated, then fixed and analysed for newly synthesised proteins (green), gB (red) and total cells (DAPI). Asterisks denote the cells in shutoff phase, and diagonal arrows indicate gB. (B) Cells were infected with HSV-2[186] at MOI of 0.005, (i.e. 1 infectious pfu/200 cells) fixed and processed as standard. The insets for panels i and ii represent magnified views of individual cells. Asterisks denote the cells in shutoff phase, and diagonal arrows indicate gB, always observed as a focus.
