Public Library of Science
ppat.1006124.g010.tif (619.7 kB)

A schematic representation of cytokine-independent regulation of STAT6 upon KSHV infection.

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posted on 2017-01-18, 04:30 authored by Chong Wang, Caixia Zhu, Fang Wei, Shujun Gao, Liming Zhang, Yuhong Li, Yanling Feng, Yin Tong, Jianqing Xu, Bin Wang, Zhenghong Yuan, Erle S. Robertson, Qiliang Cai

In the KSHV latently-infected cells, KSHV encoding LANA induces nuclear translocation of STAT6 independent of Y641-phosphorylation stimulated by cytokine IL-4 or IL1-3. The interaction between STAT6 and LANA not only stabilizes LANA but also leads to serine protease (PMSF sensitive)-mediated cleavage of STAT6 in the nucleus, which in turn represses RTA transcription and lytic replication, and facilitates viral latency and pathogenesis.
