Public Library of Science
ppat.1006449.g008.tif (1.84 MB)

A proposed model for MoEnd3 function.

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posted on 2017-06-19, 17:44 authored by Xiao Li, Chuyun Gao, Lianwei Li, Muxing Liu, Ziyi Yin, Haifeng Zhang, Xiaobo Zheng, Ping Wang, Zhengguang Zhang

During germ tube development, GPCR Pth11 and membrane sensor MoSho1 are regulated by MoEnd3-mediated endocytosis. MoEnd3 function in endocytosis is negatively regulated by MoArk1-initiated phosphorylation, leading to an efficient endocytosis. Following transport to endosomal systems by endocytic vesicles, Pth11 and MoSho1 can trigger a downstream MAPK cascade, consisting of Mst11, Mst7, Pmk1 and adaptor Mst50. The MAPK cascade facilitates successful nuclear degradation/autophagy, appressorium formation, penetration and pathogenicity. In addition, MoEnd3 is also involved in an endocytosis/exocytosis coupling pathway to facilitate effector secretion and biotrophic growth.
