Public Library of Science
pcbi.1006059.g008.tif (322.8 kB)

A cartoon showing the general pattern of possible outcomes from numerical simulations of a two-locus engineered underdominance system with migration between a target and a non-target population.

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posted on 2018-03-23, 17:23 authored by Matthew P. Edgington, Luke S. Alphey

Here the three panels represent examples of the outcome of a system for varying release ratios (increasing from left to right). In the white region (A) the system does not drive in either population and transgenes are eliminated. The grey region (B) produces an intermediate equilibrium state in which transgenes achieve some degree of partial introgression into both populations. In the black region (C) the system is efficient enough to drive in both populations. As different system configurations require different parameter values to achieve each possible outcome, axes here do not display actual values. Results from numerical simulations for a single example release ratio under each different genetic system and release scenario are given in S5S8 Figs. Note that systems with weakly suppressed lethals (e.g S6 & S8 Figs) require larger release ratios in order to produce the same pattern of outcomes as a system with strongly suppressed lethals.
