Public Library of Science
ppat.1006912.g003.tif (2.34 MB)

The E-L-E-F-N motif is located in a putative beta-hairpin at the KSHV and RRV gH/gL interaction site.

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posted on 2018-02-12, 18:46 authored by Anna K. Großkopf, Armin Ensser, Frank Neipel, Doris Jungnickl, Sarah Schlagowski, Ronald C. Desrosiers, Alexander S. Hahn

Homology-based structure prediction of the KSHV gH/gL and RRV gH/gL complexes based on the crystal structure of the EBV gH/gL complex (PDB number 3PHF) using the Iterative Threading ASSembly Refinement (I-TASSER) server and the CO-THreader algorithms for protein-protein complex structure and multi-chain protein threading. A KSHV gH/gL complex. Domain I is colored in blue. gL is colored in green. B Enlarged view of the inset indicated in A by dotted lines, showing the E-L-E-F-N motif in a putative beta-hairpin. Amino acids Glu52 and Phe53 that are critical for Eph binding are highlighted by asterisks. C RRV gH/gL complex. Domain I is colored in blue. gL is colored in green. D Enlarged view of the inset indicated in C by dotted lines, showing the E-L-E-F-N motif in a putative beta-hairpin. Amino acids Glu54 and Phe55 that are critical for Eph binding are highlighted by asterisks.
