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Temporal information loss in the macaque early visual system - Fig 2

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posted on 2020-01-23, 19:15 authored by Gregory D. Horwitz

Rasters (black ticks) and peristimulus time histograms (gray traces) from an example magnocellular neuron (A) and an example parvocellular neuron (B) in response to near-threshold, drifting Gabor patterns sorted by temporal frequency. Vertical lines indicate stimulus start and stop times. Numbers at left indicate frequency in Hz, and numbers at right indicate Weber luminance contrast. (C and D) Signal-to-noise ratio (d′) as a function of temporal frequency computed from the responses in (A) and (B), respectively. The gray band spans ±1 standard error, estimated by nonparametric bootstrap (200 resamples). Data are available at
