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Regulation of browning and BAT activation by p38 pathway.

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posted on 2018-07-06, 17:25 authored by Nuria Matesanz, Ivana Nikolic, Magdalena Leiva, Marta Pulgarín-Alfaro, Ayelén M. Santamans, Edgar Bernardo, Alfonso Mora, Leticia Herrera-Melle, Elena Rodríguez, Daniel Beiroa, Ainoa Caballero, Elena Martín-García, Rebeca Acín-Pérez, Lourdes Hernández-Cosido, Luis Leiva-Vega, Jorge L. Torres, Francisco Centeno, Angel R. Nebreda, José Antonio Enríquez, Rubén Nogueiras, Miguel Marcos, Guadalupe Sabio

Graphical abstract summarising the role of p38 isoforms in adipose tissue. In eWAT, p38α activates browning through the phosphorylation of Creb and ATF2 increasing UCP1 expression. In iWAT and BAT, p38α activation inhibits p38γ and p38δ and in consequence reduces browning and BAT activation, respectively, by down-regulation of UCP1. ATF2, activating transcription factor 2; BAT, brown adipose tissue; Creb, cAMP response element-binding; eWAT, epididymal fat; iWAT, inguinal fat; UCP1, uncoupling protein 1.
