Public Library of Science

User preferences for an mHealth app to support HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among men who have sex with men in Malaysia

Posted on 2024-10-30 - 17:40

Recent estimates report a high incidence and prevalence of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Malaysia. Mobile apps are a promising and cost-effective intervention modality to reach stigmatized and hard-to-reach populations to link them to HIV prevention services (e.g., HIV testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis, PrEP). This study assessed attitudes and preferences toward the format, content, and features of a mobile app designed to increase HIV testing and PrEP uptake among Malaysian MSM. We conducted six online focus groups between August and September 2021 with 20 MSM and 16 stakeholders (e.g., doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and NGO staff) to query. Transcripts were analyzed in Dedoose software to identify thematic content. Key themes in terms of app functions related to stylistic preferences (e.g., design, user interface), engagement strategies (e.g., reward systems, reminders), recommendations for new functions (e.g., enhanced communication options via chat, discussion forum), cost of services (e.g., PrEP), and legal considerations concerning certain features (e.g., telehealth, patient identification), minimizing privacy and confidentiality risks. Our data suggest that a tailored HIV prevention app would be acceptable among MSM in Malaysia. The findings further provide detailed recommendations for successfully developing a mobile app to improve access to HIV prevention services (e.g., HIV testing, PrEP) for optimal use among MSM in Malaysia.


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