Public Library of Science

LNC_000280 could be a new positive factor in the proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts: A prospective study

Posted on 2024-11-27 - 18:41

Peripheral nerve injury may result in muscle atrophy and impaired motor function recovery, and numerous pieces of evidence indicate that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play crucial roles in skeletal muscle regeneration. Our preliminary sequencing results showed that LNC_000280 was significantly down-regulated in denervated mouse skeletal muscle and we hypothesized that LNC_000280 may play an important role in skeletal muscle regeneration. In this research, flow cytometry and EdU staining results showed that overexpression of LNC_000280 promoted the proliferation of C2C12, while knockdown LNC_000280 had the opposite effect. Knockdown LNC_000280 inhibited the differentiation of C2C12 cells. LNC_000280 regulated the expression of proliferation genes (Cdk2, Cdc27) and differentiation genes (MyoG, MyoD). GO analysis and PPI network of LNC_000280 target genes showed that LNC_000280 mainly regulates skeletal muscle cell metabolism, mitochondrial and muscle growth. Idh2, Klhl31, Agt, and Gpt2 may be important downstream targets for its function. Therefore, we believe that that LNC_000280 can regulate the proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts by regulating gene expression.


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