Public Library of Science
pone.0287865.s002.pdf (9.39 MB)

aLdh immunostaining in control and Ldh mutant larval tissues.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-03, 18:32 authored by Madhulika Rai, Sarah M. Carter, Shefali A. Shefali, Geetanjali Chawla, Jason M. Tennessen

Representative confocal images of the (A-H) central nervous system, (E-H) intestine, (I-L) fat body, and (M-P) salivary gland dissected from third instar w1118 and Ldh16 larvae. DAPI is shown in white and Ldh expression is shown in green. Note the brightness in (L) was increased by 30% to highlight the lack of staining in small cells within AMP clusters. The scale bar in all images represents 40 μM. The scale bar in (A) applies to panels (B-H), the scale bar in (I) applies to panels (J-L), and the scale bar in (M) applies to panels (N-P).

