Public Library of Science
pone.0290062.s002.docx (13.14 kB)

Volcano plot of differentially abundant taxa between Pittsburgh baseline saliva samples and those of other cities.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-11, 18:26 authored by Matthew B. Rogers, Ashley Harner, Megan Buhay, Brian Firek, Barbara Methé, Alison Morris, Octavia M. Peck Palmer, Susan B. Promes, Robert L. Sherwin, Lauren Southerland, Alexandre R. Vieira, Sachin Yende, Michael J. Morowitz, David T. Huang

Taxa predicted by ANCOM-BC to be either enriched in other cities compared against Pittsburgh. Taxa enriched in the above cities appear to the right of the dotted line and vary along the x-axis according to their log-fold difference in abundance (those to the right are higher in the compared city; those to the left are higher in Pittsburgh). The y-axis shows the -log10 (FDR) value, taxa above 0.05 significance are labelled. Blue and red shading indicate whether the family is typical is the oral or gut microbiota respectively.

