Public Library of Science
pone.0245830.s002.docx (298.82 kB)

S2 Fig -

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-29, 18:37 authored by Adrian C. Shortall, Mohammed A. Hadis, William M. Palin

The calibration data of the AURA, Lumencor light source (light engine) with three spectral band outputs at λmax= 405 nm, 470 nm, and 550 nm and Full Width Half Maximums (FWHM) of 14, 21 and 31 nm respectively was calibrated to deliver a pooled average of 1049 ± 146 mW/cm2at each spectral band (left), and the spectral irradiance at each spectral band (middle). It can be noted that the light source exhibits a homogenous flat-top beam profile at each spectral band (right) and therefore the effect of the smaller sensor size compared to the exit diameter of the light source is not likely to affect the calibration.

