Public Library of Science

File S1 - Association of Host and Microbial Species Diversity across Spatial Scales in Desert Rodent Communities

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-10-24, 17:32 authored by Yoni Gavish, Hadar Kedem, Irit Messika, Carmit Cohen, Evelyn Toh, Daniel Munro, Qunfeng Dong, Clay Fuqua, Keith Clay, Hadas Hawlena

Supporting information: Methods, tables, and figures. Supplement Methods, Detailed description of methods including the procedure of blood sampling, the protocols of PCR and sequencing and statistical analysis. Table S1, Average abundance of the different genera in blood samples of the three host species. Figure S1, The distribution of the numbers of bacterial lineages occupying different numbers of host individuals. Bacterial classifications from known sequences that best matched the sample sequence are provided for the three most prevalent lineages (i.e., lineages that occur in 16 or more host individuals). Figure S2, Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination of blood samples based on Bray-Curtis similarities in the presence/absence data of the lineages in bacterial communities of rodent populations separates samples by host species. Each point represents the bacterial community in a given host species in a plot; Gerbillus andersoni individuals are indicated in green, G. pyramidum in purple and G. gerbillus in red. Point proximities represent the extent of similarity in bacterial community compositions. Oval shapes surround similar bacterial communities in host populations of the same species. Note that for an improved illustration, one outlier was omitted from the figure (bacterial community in one population of G. gerbillus). Figure S3, Ranked bacterial lineage occupancy ( = prevalence) curves in the three types of rodent communities: single-rodent species (red), two-rodent species (light blue), and three rodent species (purple) communities. Best fitted curves are indicated by lines.

