Public Library of Science
pone.0290062.s004.docx (13.03 kB)

Correlogram of patient metadata and LRTI types showing relationships between variables.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-11, 18:26 authored by Matthew B. Rogers, Ashley Harner, Megan Buhay, Brian Firek, Barbara Methé, Alison Morris, Octavia M. Peck Palmer, Susan B. Promes, Robert L. Sherwin, Lauren Southerland, Alexandre R. Vieira, Sachin Yende, Michael J. Morowitz, David T. Huang

Size of circles indicate strength of correlation by R2 value. Shading of circle also indicates strength of correlation by R2 value, blue shading indicates correlation, red shading indicates inverse correlation. Variables are clustered by R2 value using hclust. Only associations with a p-value < 0.05 (Pearson metric) are shown.

